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Ferry Whale Spotting & Arriving in Spain


Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Duncan Gough has embarked on a trip to Spain. He is carrying out a recce in anticipation of the upcoming Autumn Winter motorbike tour. He has been providing us with updates of his travels and is sharing experiences of his much anticipated trip. Read on for his latest update from the road.

In the morning and during the day I spent most of the time on deck watching for whales and dolphins. The ORCA* volunteer had seen a Beaked Whale quite close to the boat before I got up there. She wasn’t sure what it was but I expect it was a Cuvier's Beaked because they frequently seem to be interested in the boat and pop up alongside. I must have seen them at least half a dozen times. Then she spotted a blow quite close and though we didn’t see the animal by the frequency and the fact it was relatively low and bushy we decided on balance that it was a Hump-backed Whale. Finally, we also had a nice little pod of Striped Dolphins come alongside. A glimpse of which can be seen in the video below.

*an organization that provides people on board to spot and count species.

It took somewhat longer than normal to get off the ferry. Due to more checks, but overall it went smoothly. Because I had been telling everyone how it was wet the north side of the Cordillera Cantabria the weather gods waited till I was on the south side before giving me a beasting with high wind and light but driving rain. I then fought my way down the wonderful N-623 to Burgos. Now the recce mission can begin.

I stop briefly to have coffee and a catch up with Jesus in Cabana de Virtus Hostal. This is where the guys on the tour will be for their first night.

A moment of loss as I drop down into the Ebro Canyon and Escalada. My father and I stopped there on our way to Alicante and side by side took in the view, the colours and the shapes of the land. A land we both loved and I do still.

I received a full family welcome in the Hostal Acuarela. My bike went down on the lift and safely tucked away into the garage. I wandered to town and just felt so renewed and at home. I sketch where I eat and head back to the Hostal for an impromptu excursion. Looking for a nice restaurant for the tour dinner later on in the month...

Duncan is sharing his activities via our Facebook page. Feel free to join us there for up-to-date information and visit our website to learn how to join our upcoming tours.

More information about ORCA and what they do can be found on their website

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