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Reviews and Comments.

5 out of 5 stars - Great insights to travelling and life 10 Aug 2013 By Rippa700  Format:Kindle Edition

This book took me back to the years I spent on the road. Great anecdotes that highlight life and travel and the surprises and changes that come along - and how you flow with them. Nice to have a bit of wildlife thrown in too. Good read and I look forward to more.


By Russ Elliott Format:Kindle Edition

Duncan has managed to capture the sense of lonely freedom the motorcycle riding brings. People met, an experience shared and then a fond goodbye and onwards.
The vivid pictures he paints of the back waters of Spain really do feel like escape for the every day world, makes the desire to throw on the saddle bags, gas up and go even greater, a really nice read.


By Mo's books  Format:Kindle Edition

I thought this was quite enjoyable and the main reason I did not like it more was due to the fact I bought it after looking at the picture of country side and so was not expecting a book about motor bikes! Loved the illustration and the small recipe section at the end..should be longer!

A great read, insightfully captures the essence and freedom of solo riding ,as one with his Guzzi , in a land he loves.


Superb book. A real gem. Thank you for the personal message. It is a real treasure. Highly recommend for any motorcyclist who likes to travel and wants an insight into Spain.

I would like to pass on some seasonal thanks to those who have made the year a good one. Firstly, Duncan Gough; what a superb article, he summed up just what it is all about being a motorcyclist; the solitude, the adventure, the elements and enthusiasm. If you ever think of writing a book then put me down for a 'first edition'.

Bob - Social Secretary Moto Guzzi Club GB


I have just finished reading the article "Researching Arizona" by Duncan Gough and all I can say is Duncan - if you're not a professional motorcycle journalist then you've missed your vocation.
Like most motorcyclists I read lots of the bike mags (not so much the newspapers - but that's another story) because I love eavesdropping on other motorcyclists experiences especially trips abroad. It not only takes you along with them on their journey but also of course obligingly gives you places you may want to add to your own ever-growing list. One expects a reasonably high standard of journalism when paying for this privilege via the news stands but when reading the owners' club's magazine articles etc, one is simply grateful that a fellow member has had the inclination to get off the sofa and actually put pen to paper so that lazy gits like me can enjoy their scribblings. Obviously when coming from that premise the amateur writer must be exempt from journalistic judgement by us - the willing reader. It stands to reason however that free and volunteered articles, by people who don't for one minute purport to be particularly good at this art, are going to be nearly always less polished or consuming than those from people who make a living at it.
However, I have to say that Duncan's article is one of those very rare cases for me where an amateur (in the literal sense of the word) has produced a riveting read, better by far than most of the professionals. His use and structuring of English without a hint of the usual cliches is refreshing and makes the article a damn good read. I wonder, when he says, "I am gathering (sound) material for a radio programme" whether he hasn't given the game away and that he does have some
journalistic credentials? Either way, thanks Duncan for a superb feature on the joys of riding in Spain and get it sent to someone like "Motorcycle Voyager" they would be foolish not to hire you for freelance work.



Travelling the real Spain

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